Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wildwood in the Pines

Once we knew we were going to Placid, we hustled to find a place to stay.  It was incredible how many places were already booked.  We had a more difficult task before us, since our cat will be with us.  We'll be headed straight to Maine for our family vacation from Lake Placid.  We finally found a pet-friendly cabin about 30 minutes outside of town.  They actually didn't allow cats, but after hearing more about Wilson, they decided to take him.  Phew!  Now, I get their Facebook updates and am really looking forward to our Ironman home away from home.  Here is today's picture with a fresh coat of snow:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Training and Team Z

So, we're almost 6 months out and Brian's training is picking up a bit.  He joined Tri Team Z to meet other triathletes and not have to train alone.  I think it's been a really good experience so far.  They do a happy hour every 3 weeks or so and he's met some nice folks.  He usually does one or two team training events on the weekends, so he leaves early and is back around noon.  Luckily the girls are older and a little more self-sufficient.  They even let me sleep in a bit before needing breakfast.  I really should start thinking of things they can fix themselves and leave the ingredients on the counter.

I think the only challenge so far is that when he gets home, I'm ready for a break, but he's just done a hard workout, so he's tired.  Luckily he's always been the kind of guy that can take a short cat nap and then be good to go.

I'm glad he joined the team.  I feel better about him not being out there by himself.  Those long rides and runs will always worry me a bit.  Plus, it's always a good thing to be able to talk to people who have done an Ironman, especially those who have done Lake Placid.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Eagleman and Timberman - Where it Began

After successfully finishing the Eagleman half Ironman in June, I had a feeling Brian was hooked.  I wish we could have been there, but mandatory dance dress rehearsals kept us home.  Then our summer travels timed well for him to compete in the Timberman half Ironman event in Lake Winnipesaukee, NH.  It really was perfect since Brian was able to leave early, get registered and set-up his gear.  Then my parents, the girls and I made the trip over and met up with him for a really good pre-race dinner.  We stayed in a motel while Brian camped in the van to ensure an uninterrupted night.  I knew we wouldn't make it to the swim in the morning, but with some good time estimates and maps from Brian, we caught him on the bike ride going out and back.  It was thrilling to say the very least and I secretly hoped that this wouldn't be the last time we'd be his cheering squad.  I made a mental note that next time we needed a good set of cowbells to make more noise.  That day, our homemade signs worked just fine.  I was definitely "hooked" too, so when Brian shared his hopes of completing Lake Placid this year, I was all for it!  You can read his 2012 race summaries here if you're interested:  2012 Race Season Summary